Sunday, September 8, 2013

Immerse yourself in the music...

Feel it.  Hear it.  Immerse yourself in it.  Get emotional.  Really listen to the words.  Let it move you.  Feel the rhythm.  Pour your heart into the songs.  Become the characters. 

We sure did that tonight.  It may not have been completely pretty but at times it was moving.  Yep, it was awkward.  Nope, it wasn't smooth and easy.  We stuck it out.  We made it through the songs.  We helped each other out.  We applauded each other.  We laughed.  We may have felt like screaming because some things weren't familiar but we did it.  And we should be proud of ourselves for surviving the first sing-through.

It has been 16 years since I sang in a group and it felt good to get back into the 'sing' of things.  I forgot what this felt like.  Why did I wait so long to do something like this again?  I missed being part of a group and it has been a wonderful experience so far.  I know that it can only get better from here.  Is anyone else excited about breaking the songs down into parts and really delving deeply into the music?  I can't wait to see and hear what happens next...